In pursuit of an elevated lifestyle.
June 22, 2023

Kaleena Zanders, Manifesting Magic: Elevated Frequencies Episode #5

The exhilarating journey through the music industry is never a linear one, and for some, the destination isn't even where they thought they'd end up. Such is the story of powerhouse vocalist and DJ Kaleena Zanders. Growing up a rock music enthusiast, the world of DJing was an unexpected but welcomed detour. Now, she's not just a performer but also a staunch advocate for Black vocalists, ensuring they get the recognition, respect, and remuneration they deserve.

However, the focus of our exploration today is Kaleena's unique perspective on manifestation. As an artist, she employs this powerful tool in crafting her life and career, creating a reality in tune with her deepest desires. 

When she first moved to Los Angeles, she embraced manifestation by simply visualizing her future, talking about it aloud, and inscribing it onto paper. As she describes it, "I lived in this one-bedroom apartment in Hollywood, and I would just write down a bunch of things I wanted. It's almost like a natural practice to visualize what I want."

Yet, like any powerful tool, manifestation has its potential pitfalls. As you manifest your desires, it can be startling to realize that achieving your goals can sometimes leave you feeling empty. The moment of fulfillment can be fleeting, a paradox that isn't widely discussed. As Kaleena reflects, "Sometimes within manifesting, you get the thing, and you're like, okay,'re not able to live in that moment for a long time."

This journey of manifestation is a delicate dance, and a significant part of it is learning how to live in the moment, savoring the now while still keeping an eye on the future. Kaleena is mindful of this balancing act, saying, "I'm trying to make sure that I don't manifest things too quickly so I can enjoy what I just manifested."

One group of people that Kaleena looks up to when it comes to manifesting are rappers. Their lyrics, she believes, are often powerful affirmations and manifestations. "Rappers are constantly writing down and talking about their future," Kaleena notes. "Listen to Jay-Z and Drake. Words are so powerful, writing things down is so powerful, your mind is powerful."

As an artist, Kaleena is committed to remaining present while manifesting her future to strike that elusive balance. She's grounded in her morning writing rituals, and practices that give her clarity and connect her with the power of her mind. This commitment is a testament to her understanding that manifestation is not merely about creating the future but also about nurturing the present.

Kaleena Zanders' story is a testament to the power of manifestation in crafting a life and career that aligns with one's deepest desires. She reminds us that manifesting is a skill, one that requires practice, reflection, and at times, caution. It's about embracing the now, even as we strive for the future we want. 

Major Takeaways:

* Kaleena encourages the practice of manifestation, visualizing, and speaking about the future one desires.

* She emphasizes the importance of savoring the present moment, even while focusing on future goals.

* She shares the potential pitfalls of manifesting too quickly and highlights the importance of enjoying the journey.

* Grounding routines like morning writing rituals are an integral part of Kaleena's life, promoting clarity and helping her stay connected to her power.

Find Kaleena Zanders on Twitter, Instagram, and Spotify.

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Olivia: My worst nightmare happened and I spilled water all over my desk. And the first thing I did was pick up my laptop and like, yeet it over there.

Kaleena Zanders: It's funny.

Olivia: That's

Kaleena Zanders: Oh

Olivia: my

Kaleena Zanders: no.

Olivia: own livelihood. Oh, anyway, well, I'm so glad

Kaleena Zanders: I feel

Olivia: we could

Kaleena Zanders: that

Olivia: talk.

Kaleena Zanders: same, same. Am

Olivia: You...

Kaleena Zanders: I stopping? Am I like, am I freezing at all?

Olivia: You are a little bit.

Kaleena Zanders: Okay, let me see. Maybe I can, I think I can do this. Hold on, let me see. Let me go to my internet.

Olivia: Okay,

Kaleena Zanders: So.

Olivia: you know what? You just reminded me, let me go hardwire myself too.

Kaleena Zanders: Okay,

Olivia: I'm

Kaleena Zanders: cool.

Olivia: going to go grab my ethernet cord. OK, one sec.

Kaleena Zanders: Okay, cool. shit

Olivia: Where is

Kaleena Zanders: route

Olivia: this

Kaleena Zanders: is

Olivia: thing?

Kaleena Zanders: this thing.

Olivia: One second.

Kaleena Zanders: Thanks for watching! How's this? Mm-hmm. Oh, one second. So,

Olivia: Okay, sorry about that.

Kaleena Zanders: Okay. Let's see.

Olivia: Yeah, I got 100

Kaleena Zanders: that 100

Olivia: foot

Kaleena Zanders: foot

Olivia: long

Kaleena Zanders: long

Olivia: ethernet

Kaleena Zanders: ethernet.

Olivia: cable. my internet's

Kaleena Zanders: That's

Olivia: crappy too.

Kaleena Zanders: really great. It's more than I have.

Olivia: Okay, I just got it because of the show. Okay, I think we're good. The, one second. Okay. The resolution on your end, it's definitely freezing. Can you hear me?

Kaleena Zanders: You're freezing now.

Olivia: You froze completely.

Kaleena Zanders: You're freezing now. Uh oh. Be gone. Thank you.

Kaleena Zanders: How about that?

Olivia: Hi. Can you hear me?

Kaleena Zanders: I can hear you.

Olivia: This is like, this is so crazy. Hold

Kaleena Zanders: Can

Olivia: on.

Kaleena Zanders: you hear me?

Olivia: Okay, I think I can hear you now.

Kaleena Zanders: Can you hear me?

Olivia: Yes, I'm so sorry about that. I'm like a boomer with technology. It's awful.

Kaleena Zanders: Oh wait. Oh, try now?

Olivia: Yeah, I can hear you. Can you

Kaleena Zanders: Okay,

Olivia: hear me?

Kaleena Zanders: cool. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not gonna do.

Olivia: I'm so sorry.

Kaleena Zanders: Oh, it's all good. All good.

Olivia: I'm literally, I'm awful with technology.

Kaleena Zanders: Same.

Olivia: Well, you're really good at music and that's all that matters for today's episode.

Kaleena Zanders: True.

Olivia: All right, let's do this. Let's get started. I am so, so excited to have you on because you are just a master at so many different things. And

Kaleena Zanders: Thank you.

Olivia: like when I think of, you're welcome. When I think of you, I think of all the genres that you are able to cross and like transcend and bring your talent into. And I think that's so fucking cool. And that's what I wanna talk to you about.

Kaleena Zanders: Thank you. Thank you. I'm actually really proud of that, so

Olivia: So.

Kaleena Zanders: I appreciate you seeing that.

Olivia: You know, I've heard about you on other interviews that you grew up listening to like Insane Clown Posse. Is that right?

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah, yeah, I was going through a crazy kid phase, you know, like when you're like 13, you're just like mad at your parents and like I fully had up that whole thing going on. So, yeah, I did insane composting, corn, and all the like, really generic stuff like, I don't know if I feel I don't know why I'm smiling and feeling bad for this, but when they were like harder and edgy, you know?

Olivia: Yeah, that's okay. But I think that's so cool that like, that just speaks to the fact that you're so, you know, that you're able to go into all these different spaces because you have a lot of different inspiration

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: and. What was the insane clown posse thing just to piss off your parents? Or did you actually like them?

Kaleena Zanders: Um, honestly, I think it was a bit of both, cause like, at first, I just wanted to listen to the hardest stuff ever. Like I would think I had like a Biggie Smalls, Notorious B.I.G. CD, and my mom had found it, and she like was like, get rid of this, you know? And so I, ever since then, I was just trying to listen to the hardest music ever, and like just like kind of hint at the fact that like, like don't mess with me, I'm hardcore, you know? But, and I honestly,

Olivia: Right.

Kaleena Zanders: you can't listen to Insane Clown Posse for forever because it's just like, it's too intense, it's dark, you know, it's wild. So I went through that phase for maybe like a solid like four months. I'm a little bit of a

Olivia: I did too. That's why I had

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah

Olivia: to ask about it. And the pissing off the parents thing was huge. I don't know how I acquired this,

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: but I had I got an ICP bumper sticker and put it on my Honda.

Kaleena Zanders: Mmm.

Olivia: And

Kaleena Zanders: Mmm.

Olivia: my parents were like, get that shit off of your car.

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: Now

Kaleena Zanders: I can

Olivia: no

Kaleena Zanders: imagine.

Olivia: shit, no shit. I still I still love ICP. Sometimes I'll put it on and be like, oh my God, I remember you. And you're right, it's like very intense. It's not uplifting music, but it brings back memories.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah,

Olivia: You

Kaleena Zanders: no,

Olivia: know?

Kaleena Zanders: great memories. I actually think of it writing on the, it makes me think of me writing on the school bus during, my mom made me take summer school. I think that's another reason why I was really pissed. So I remember listening to that and the girl that I was trying to impress at the time, I was like, yeah, I was rocking out, showing her some hard stuff. So yeah, it was a lot of different things.

Olivia: I love it. That's up. That's amazing. And so talk to me about, you know, your transition. Well, first of all, when did you realize that you had this these pipes on you?

Kaleena Zanders: Well, to be honest, I think, well, when I was younger, first of all, but not in a way that I was like, oh, I'm going to become a singer. I was definitely connected to music. My mom played a bunch of gospel records, rock records. She did the whole thing. Also she was a, what's it called, an aerobics instructor. She always had all these crazy songs and stuff. I think it was more second nature and it was just one of those things. I just really love music. And yeah, it didn't really become like a thing until, I would say, not even in high school, like I was still nervous and shy and just like, it was just something personal for me. And yeah, I think, well, my mom did make me get into musical theater when I was younger. So, but even then I was like, musical theater's like, whatever, you know, I wasn't a musical theater kid. So

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: yeah, I think like maybe in college is when I really was like, oh. I'm gonna be a singer, you know. Super late

Olivia: That's

Kaleena Zanders: if

Olivia: awesome.

Kaleena Zanders: you ask me.

Olivia: And well, I don't think so. I think you were discovering yourself and it sounds like you came

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: from like a musical family. So it was just like part, it's not like it came out of left field that you were so good at singing, right? If you have that background

Kaleena Zanders: There.

Olivia: and that family,

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: that's important.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: So what about the electronic music portion? I wanna get into how you literally go from like, Deep House to like AC Slater. Like that's so cool. I think you were seeing more of it now,

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah,

Olivia: but...

Kaleena Zanders: yeah, for sure.

Olivia: really like you're you're like hop into all these different genres. So how did that happen?

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah, well for dance music specifically, I didn't really get into that until 2015. I would say before that I didn't understand it much because I only heard it how a lot of people hear it initially. It's just like this sort of noisy, repetitive music and it doesn't really make any sense. And that was prior to 2015. And then my song came out with... Sunburn and Chris like remixed it and like that like put me on the the dance bug or it made me like kind of go okay this is interesting. Then I think what really took me over the edge is when I went to a festival I performed at EDC I think it was for the first time and um first time and it was the first time I ever went to something that big and that was like I don't know that was like mind-blowing and then I was just like okay I see the community. I understand why people love this and all the different rave portions and the things that come with it. That was just kind of like, oh, okay. I can understand it. I can do it. And even then when I said I could do it, I didn't even know what that meant. It was just like, I'm going to do it. And a variety

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: of different styles of DJs hit me up. So I was experimenting and hopping on different tracks. kind of seeing like what I like. Also, like I'm a singer songwriter, again, come from a rock background, from being in a band and all that stuff. So it was a new, a whole new way of communicating in music for me. And I wouldn't say it was the, I think it was challenging. It was challenging for me because, you know, in dance music, it's not a whole lot of song. It's just kind of like, you know, a moment here, moment in the drop, maybe. and then something else. So it was really hard for me to wrap my brain around not saying so much. Yep.

Olivia: But what you do say in that limited amount of time is so powerful and how you sing it is so powerful and.

Kaleena Zanders: That's what I learned. I learned that. It's a full-blown learning.

Olivia: Yeah, making the most of those moments. And you know who I think of, not that you have the same kind of voice, your voices sound different, but I'm sure you know who Lolita Holloway is.

Kaleena Zanders: Oh yeah. Oh yeah,

Olivia: You

Kaleena Zanders: absolutely.

Olivia: know, right on time. Yeah,

Kaleena Zanders: Yes.

Olivia: she had this powerful, insane voice that so many people used. And her story is pretty tragic, you know, not getting the credit that she deserved, but.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: You know, you bring that, like your voice gives me the same sort of chills when I hear it, where it's just,

Kaleena Zanders: Mm.

Olivia: it adds so much

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: to a track and there's so much power behind it

Kaleena Zanders: Yes.

Olivia: and it's just really special.

Kaleena Zanders: May I add something to what you just said?

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: So a lot of, you know, black vocalists not getting credit, you know, being used in that space. And that's why right now I'm such a champion for my own career and trying to make sure that I'm at the forefront of it. And then visibility is so important because I know of so many like stories like that where, you know, a black vocalist doesn't get their shine or they can't make careers out of it. And like it just it's so disappointing and I started to understand that by walking that path and how easy it is to get into a situation Where you think said big dj is like, yeah. Oh my god. So and so hit me up. Oh my god It's like a big deal and then you know All they want to do is basically use you as a factory and put you in there plug you into their little track or whatever so Yeah that that hearing stories like that and walking my own story in that way to kind of help me pivot to like dj and really like being like, if you want me, you're getting all of me, not just like my vocals, so, yeah.

Olivia: That's amazing. So are you saying, did the DJing part, you actually DJing come later or was

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: that kind of happening simultaneously?

Kaleena Zanders: No, yeah, so it's so funny, my first manager, he was like, just start DJing, you should. And I was like, I don't, I'm like, what is, I kind of was rolling my eyes in a way. And I think it's just cause sometimes the persona of a DJ just seems not so much anymore, I feel it's good, but it just seemed at the time very cheesy. And I was just like, well, I'm gonna

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: DJ, I'm gonna DJ, I'm gonna DJ. And I resisted for so long. And like my goal was always to be in a band, you know? So that's the only way I saw myself. having a career in a lot of ways. And then, I don't know, just as time goes on, I'm hopping up on more sets, you know, Coachella, AC, Sunburn, all of them, like, Bijou, Ruth Carolina, I was like, God, these guys are having so much fun. Like, they're really having a lot of fun, they aren't struggling, they're turning knobs and creating a vibe. And I was just like, I really need to start doing that for myself, for my own sanity, for my own enjoyment of music. So yeah, it became during the pandemic is mostly when I like started to do that.

Olivia: And how, how is it different than being in a rock band? Um, because I guess, you know, you're, you're providing the, you were providing the vocals for other artists or for other bands, but now you're making, you know, you're curating the music that's going to go with it. So what's that

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah,

Olivia: like?

Kaleena Zanders: first of all, it is a wonderful, wonderful joy as far as thinking that you can create a vibe for somebody or for an audience and being able to put together your own style. It's just, it's really cool. And I'm, I'm learning myself in ways that I never, I mean, I always thought I would get here, but not through like DJing. You know what I mean? Like, I didn't think

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: I like, I'd have to like. you do have to analyze yourself a lot. And like, you're like, how are you taste making? Like, what do you like? And how do you put that, you know, to the forefront? And honestly, it's been so liberating and it's been like all those little like things I used to fuss over in music. Like I don't fuss over anymore because I have something else to distract me if that makes sense. So it's like, I have like my, you know, I have my manager, which is good. He handles all the business. And then all I can do is focus on the fun and the creation and putting together something that I can actually make a career out of. So I think that's the biggest thing is I feel just empowered and it's so cool. And then like people are, people, you get an immediate response obviously. And I don't know, I'm finding it to be like almost like a new journey, a new wonder. So I love it.

Olivia: That's amazing. And I know, um, I want to ask you because I've seen you talk about it on your page. And we talked about it a little bit. The first time we met talking about manifesting, right? And you said that you

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: weren't expecting your career to come, you know, from this direction, from, from house music and dance music. So talk to me about manifesting and what it

Kaleena Zanders: Mmm.

Olivia: means in your life, because it's a big, big topic in mind.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah, same, honestly. I'd say my earliest, like, when I first moved to LA is when I first started to tap into like manifesting. And I remember I lived in this like one bedroom apartment in Hollywood and I would just like, just write down a whole bunch of things that I wanted, you know, and design and just like. I don't know, I can just see myself doing it and talking out loud and like, not convincing people, but just sharing like so much of what I was going to be doing. And then so much so that, and I'm gonna go back, but people see what I'm doing now and they're like, Kalina, you always said you'd be doing something like this. And I was like, really? And I was like, that's insane because, because I feel like it's almost like a natural practice to just. walk in to see what you want and visualize and visualize and visualize, you know? But then, and then after that though, I began to, I did start doing yoga and become a vegan or vegetarian and practicing a lot of like, just like honing in the skill of your like power and just like your spirituality and all of that stuff. So I think, and I also wanted to become a teacher and try to teach yoga and stuff, but then I realized music was the way. And I don't know, I think just constantly believing and constantly writing the, oh my God, sorry, I'm jumping all over the place because even last night, I was like, I told my girlfriend, I was like, I don't know what I want next. Like, I was like, I need to spend this week writing down a full picture of my life so that I can grab that and feel fulfilled, you know, getting those things. Because sometimes even within manifesting, like you get the thing and you're like, okay, cool. And then

Olivia: Yeah... yeah.

Kaleena Zanders: you're like, you know, and it doesn't either feel how you thought it was going to feel, or you just have it and it's a moment. It's just a moment that happens so quickly. And then you're not able to kind of live in that moment for a long time. So then you feel like the ups and downs of manifesting, which is wonderful, but it's also, I don't think people talk about that. You can feel this sort of emptiness sometimes because things happen so quick.

Olivia: especially I think in this lifestyle, right? Where

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: it's like, okay, you booked this big show or you did this big thing and it's very public and it's very out

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: there. You know, and then you said like, it's over. And then you're like,

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: okay, what's next? But I

Kaleena Zanders: Oof.

Olivia: do think people, even who don't necessarily wanna call it manifesting, they underestimate the power of writing down the shit that's in your brain.

Kaleena Zanders: Oh, I know.

Olivia: Like you

Kaleena Zanders: I

Olivia: gotta

Kaleena Zanders: know.

Olivia: get it out, you gotta get it out on paper and see it in front of you, or it's just

Kaleena Zanders: yeah

Olivia: a jumbled mess. You need to see it

Kaleena Zanders: yes

Olivia: tangible on paper and see if

Kaleena Zanders: yes

Olivia: it makes sense when you get it out, you know?

Kaleena Zanders: yes you know who's another randoms kind of random but something that taught me about manifesting is rappers rappers are constantly

Olivia: Really.

Kaleena Zanders: like yeah they're constantly writing down and talking about like if you think about JZ like go back and listen to all his like songs or whatever songs He's literally manifesting his life, like talking out loud, saying that I will be this, I am this, I am this, I am this. You know?

Olivia: I just got chills.

Kaleena Zanders: Like rappers are really good at manifesting

Olivia: I never even.

Kaleena Zanders: everything. Yeah, it's crazy. So, I'm gonna go ahead and start with this one. I'm gonna

Olivia: That's

Kaleena Zanders: go ahead and start with

Olivia: incredible.

Kaleena Zanders: this one.

Olivia: Now I'm going to go listen back to a bunch of Jay-Z songs.

Kaleena Zanders: Oh yeah,

Olivia: That's

Kaleena Zanders: listen to Jay-Z, Drake, even the bad stuff. Biggie Smalls manifested his death. So did Tupac, you know what I mean? Words are so powerful, writing things down are so powerful, your mind is powerful, and we're meant to shape and manipulate our realities in so many different ways that we've been given those powers, and it's like, you have to really be conscious. Oh, that's another thing. You can't, even though manifesting is cool, like you actually have to be aware of your psyche and your mental health in order to do the right, you know, right manifesting or whatever it is because we're all walking around with these brilliant brains and we're kind of like witches in a way, you know? Yeah.

Olivia: Mm-hmm. I always get like feel icky when I'm around somebody who speaks very negatively about themselves. Like, oh, I'm so unlucky. This happens to me. That happens to me. And I want to tell them, I'm like, you have to stop saying that because it's going to keep coming true. People don't realize, you know, sometimes because I haven't always been like this. I'm sure you weren't having either. Like, it's something that you learn to incorporate into your life. But I'll catch myself sometimes saying something negative and I'm like, cut that shit out or it's going to happen tenfold. It's not about toxic positivity, but it's about realizing that when something bad happens by speaking negatively, you're only just amplifying and making it worse, right?

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, lately I have, I've been going on an interesting journey. I think I'm just discovering a lot, changing a lot. More is being required of me as far as, you know, like I just, I got signed to Wasserman at the end of last year. So agent now, I'm putting out more songs now, like all of these different

Olivia: Mm.

Kaleena Zanders: things. I have a lot more. to juggle, so manifesting and writing down goals and all of that stuff, sometimes I'm like, where am I in all of it? So what I've been trying to practice, and like I said last night, I was like, I need to refocus and re-feel that grounded feeling amongst this chaos so that I can still

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: have this base of projection or whatever, just a healthy base to create from.

Olivia: Absolutely. And is journaling part of your practice too? Is it like a daily or weekly thing do you like to journal?

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah, I go through phases like now I'm going through the phase of writing every morning when I wake up. And again, when I feel out of sorts, that's when I try to ground myself the most in writing, drinking lots of juices, and just little things that help me with clarity, scientifically, your body, however that feels like that's really important, being like a morva. being more of a fine-tuned conduit for the energy that's supposed to channel through me. So yeah, journaling is really important because you get all the messy stuff out. In addition to, you're just

Olivia: Yeah.

Kaleena Zanders: kind of creating alignment.

Olivia: Yeah.

Kaleena Zanders: So

Olivia: And

Kaleena Zanders: right

Olivia: I

Kaleena Zanders: now

Olivia: think

Kaleena Zanders: I'm in that

Olivia: it's

Kaleena Zanders: process.

Olivia: really, it's great. And I think it's so important, whether you're an artist or a attendee of these types of shows or just going out in general, it can be very disorienting late nights, for someone like you touring, there's just so much, it's so chaotic. It's a very chaotic lifestyle. It's exciting and it's what you want.

Kaleena Zanders: the moon.

Olivia: Obviously you're... You're doing what you love to do, but so important to have that home base to come back to and to, you know, Zen out a little bit.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah. And the home base too has

Olivia: So...

Kaleena Zanders: to follow you. I just thought about it, sorry.

Olivia: No, that's a great point. So you're saying like bringing that sense of peace, like being able to tap into that wherever you go.

Kaleena Zanders: Yes.

Olivia: Yeah, absolutely. And is that, is that hard to do as somebody who's always traveling for shows or have you found a way to kind of ground yourself?

Kaleena Zanders: Well, I think it's, it is, it's not as challenging because you're spending a lot of time by yourself, like in hotels. So I honestly think it's nicer in a lot of ways because you're not distracted by like home stuff. And you're just like, oh, I have to be in my hotel from this hours, I know that I can meditate, I can write. I can, my new thing now when I travel is I try to like, go find a piece of the city that's really cool. And like. Like I went to Detroit recently and I'm like, okay, let me find something I would never do in a city. And I was like, okay, I went to Motown, the Motown Museum. And that was really invigorating and grounding. And it was like, okay, I'm not just here just to play for people, but I can have an enriching experience, which all ties into your inspiration and what you wanna manifest in dreaming big. So, yeah.

Olivia: Yeah, yeah, I was going to say that must be so beneficial for getting inspiration from for creating art or whatever it is, just seeing how, you know, people do their daily lives and other parts of the country, the world. And then, yeah, that's such a that's such a cool privilege. And it's one that you've earned, obviously, but to

Kaleena Zanders: Mm

Olivia: be

Kaleena Zanders: hmm.

Olivia: able to go see these other cities and I don't know, just have these really awesome experiences.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: And you manifested it. You did it.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: Yeah, it's just, it's just really so powerful. And it's what, you know, manifesting is what made me meet you for the first time because, you know, I met you at EDC and they didn't have a job opening. I just decided one day I wrote down in my journal, I was going to be a freelancer for Insomniac and I made a audition tape and then submitted

Kaleena Zanders: Hmm.

Olivia: it.

Kaleena Zanders: No way.

Olivia: They didn't, they didn't have a job opening. I was just like, let me, let me just like, let me manifest this really quick. So that's how that happened. That's how we met.

Kaleena Zanders: Wow!

Olivia: It really,

Kaleena Zanders: That's great!

Olivia: yeah. Yeah, people really underestimate, I think like, just being big and bold and intentional

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: can lead to so many amazing experiences.

Kaleena Zanders: Mm.

Olivia: So what's next? Cause you said you don't, I know you just told me you don't really know, right? Like you have to sit down and kind

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: of figure it out, but do you have any ideas? Cause you're doing so, like I said, you're. working with so many different genres, you're doing so many

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: different festivals. Such a

Kaleena Zanders: Well.

Olivia: fun garden variety of work.

Kaleena Zanders: Yes, well that's interesting though, like the what next part is that I'm trying to make sure that I don't manifest things too quickly so I can enjoy what I just manifested. So like I'm you know I've got an agent, I'm so happy, I'm with a label, happy like all those things have to play itself out in a very like you know healthy and I think it has to arrive and be out there in the world in the right way for a while. So, because I have a lot of goals and a lot of things I want to get to and I know I can only, I have to allow for things to grow too. So right now it is all about creating the best experience for people at my shows and fine tuning my, what I'm trying to express. It's all about that right now. And I've been working on, I work with other producers all the time and fine tuning my sound. I'm putting out an EP with the label that's super cute. But even then I have, I already know that I have more to say, like another palette of sound that I wanna put out. So, you know, it's like you manifested it and everything kind of just has a ripple effect and like it happens. after you think about it. So like, you know, so I'm already onto the next thing. But, you know, I am, I'm happy about being able to put out music as my own self and for people to latch onto and for people to see me as an artist. I'm really, really proud of that. And I also wanna be an actress and make movies. So that's a whole nother thing.

Olivia: Oh my God. Well,

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: if anybody can do it, you can. I mean, you really are such a fantastic entertainer. I mean, you give it your all on stage. And to be able to literally sing and DJ at the same time,

Kaleena Zanders: Oof.

Olivia: and you're so, like your energy is so good. I think, you know, every DJ has their own style, but when... I am seeing somebody who's just like standing up there and not like moving around. It's not as exciting as someone like you where you're like putting your whole chest into it. Like you're like

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: jumping around, you're smiling.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: Like you were literally born to do this. And

Kaleena Zanders: Thank you.

Olivia: that's really, that's really cool. Acting,

Kaleena Zanders: Thank you.

Olivia: well, you're in the

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: right place and you have the agent.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah,

Olivia: That's amazing.

Kaleena Zanders: yeah, yeah. Yeah, I definitely like I want to be in Jordan Peele style films. You know, like the

Olivia: There you go.

Kaleena Zanders: sort of like scary movies, but like action oriented. Psycho thrillers.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. That's amazing. We should, I'll tweet this episode to him like 500 times. I'm just kidding. I don't want, I'm

Kaleena Zanders: Can you imagine?

Olivia: not gonna,

Kaleena Zanders: Next month

Olivia: unless you want

Kaleena Zanders: I'm really...

Olivia: me to.

Kaleena Zanders: I mean tweet it. Tweet it. But

Olivia: That would be amazing.

Kaleena Zanders: yeah. So

Olivia: That's awesome.

Kaleena Zanders: yeah.

Olivia: And I love what you're doing. I mean, you also find time in between creating art, doing podcasts. You do the podcast circuit. I've seen you on other shows with interviews. You also find the time to be able to talk about really important issues on your own page

Kaleena Zanders: Hmm.

Olivia: and keep the conversation going about so many things that are important to this industry. So it's just, they always say, If you need something done, ask the busiest person in the room, because I'll do

Kaleena Zanders: WHA-

Olivia: it. And I think you're, you know, a really good representation of that. Because

Kaleena Zanders: Oh wow.

Olivia: I like, you're just kind of like, have you ever heard that before?

Kaleena Zanders: What you just said,

Olivia: That phrase?

Kaleena Zanders: no, I've

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: never heard that.

Olivia: Well,

Kaleena Zanders: But it makes sense.

Olivia: I think, I think, yeah, it, it, it does for you because like, every time I log on to Instagram, I'm seeing something from you.

Kaleena Zanders: and I'm.

Olivia: So it's really admirable. You're just like your powerhouse.

Kaleena Zanders: Thank you. Thank you. I really do appreciate that you see that. Because I am constantly doing the most and trying to take the most care with every situation, even though I'm doing a lot. And I was just watching, I was just watching a podcast with Maria Shriver, Oprah, and I can't remember the other, the other lady, but to me, those women, are the type of people that I would like to be as far as having a huge platform, but being able to affect change in the world. And also to have just a fabulous time being awesome doing the stuff that they do. But yeah, I'm like, how does Oprah do it? How is she getting to be everywhere at one time and then being a positive force in the world?

Olivia: Well, that's, you know, like I said, ask the busiest person in the room if you want something done and you are the EDM Oprah. So I think it makes a lot of sense.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: There's a lot of alignment there, a lot of alignment. It's

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: amazing. And she's

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: the manifesting queen. I mean,

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: really, like her ability is so strong that she doesn't even have to write stuff down anymore. She just thinks it and it becomes reality.

Kaleena Zanders: And no. Oh,

Olivia: She's

Kaleena Zanders: I

Olivia: like

Kaleena Zanders: wanted

Olivia: a

Kaleena Zanders: to

Olivia: case

Kaleena Zanders: say something

Olivia: study.

Kaleena Zanders: about that though. Planning though, having the right people around you to help you plan all of these wonderful manifestations, that's so important.

Olivia: So building

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: a team, you're saying

Kaleena Zanders: Yes.

Olivia: that can

Kaleena Zanders: Yes.

Olivia: support you. And

Kaleena Zanders: Yes.

Olivia: absolutely.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: That's important for people to hear. Cause I think a lot of people, especially creatives are afraid to relinquish control over their work. Like you'll see so many creatives who are like, I'm gonna make the song, I'm gonna edit the video. I'm gonna like do all of the above because it's like their baby. So building a strong team, that's huge.

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah, I would not be able to do... Well, when I met my manager, I was at my wit's end. I was doing too much in not being able to let go responsibilities and stuff. So as soon as that happened, I was able to dream big, do more. And now that I have an agent, now I can do even more. You know what I mean? and

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: everyone's on board and supports me and they support my ideas. And now that I have a label as well, all of these things open up more access to whatever that I'm trying to create. So I'm thankful that they trust me as well, because I really do feel, I feel very passionate and very clear about being a creator.

Olivia: Well,

Kaleena Zanders: That

Olivia: I

Kaleena Zanders: I

Olivia: think,

Kaleena Zanders: understand.

Olivia: I think that's, yeah, I think that's great advice to end on, you know, build, build a team that has faith in you, whether that's, you know, a support network of family, friends, whoever it may be, um,

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: because nobody, you know, you don't, you don't accomplish things in a vacuum or alone.

Kaleena Zanders: No,

Olivia: Um, everybody

Kaleena Zanders: never.

Olivia: needs help sometimes.

Kaleena Zanders: Yep, all the time, honestly.

Olivia: Absolutely.

Kaleena Zanders: On the flip

Olivia: Well,

Kaleena Zanders: side, I'm

Olivia: Kalina,

Kaleena Zanders: a big baby too.

Olivia: this was... Did you say you're a big baby?

Kaleena Zanders: Oh yeah.

Olivia: What do

Kaleena Zanders: Yep.

Olivia: you mean by that?

Kaleena Zanders: Just like, wah. Like,

Olivia: Ehh

Kaleena Zanders: just like a baby. Like, just a baby.

Olivia: I'm going to use that as like the teaser clip for this episode,

Kaleena Zanders: Oh,

Olivia: because that's perfect.

Kaleena Zanders: yeah. I

Olivia: That's

Kaleena Zanders: love that.

Olivia: perfect, no, I'm kidding. Um, this was really insightful. Thank you so much

Kaleena Zanders: Awesome.

Olivia: for, you know, lending me the time and talking about this manifestation stuff, because, um, I think for people who even are just dipping their toes in the water, hearing

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: from artists that they look up to and admire, like maybe that'll give them the push they need, you know, to try it out.

Kaleena Zanders: Yes, they try it out, do it, but I will say, I don't know if you're still recording this part, but mental health is something to tackle as well, so that you can clean out the little

Olivia: Yeah.

Kaleena Zanders: bad habits, I wouldn't say bad habits or conditions that we've collected in our psyche from whatever

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Kaleena Zanders: it could be, childhood, it could be whatever, anything, we're all experiencing stuff that leaves impressions on us and it's good. to get clarity and clear out a lot of the little, the baggage so that you can be fine tuned for all that to receive. And to give

Olivia: 100% yes.

Kaleena Zanders: and to

Olivia: Yes.

Kaleena Zanders: especially give.

Olivia: Yeah. Yeah. No, you're, you're completely spot on. I mean, you have to take care of your mental health first. So you're manifesting the right things, right? And you're not using

Kaleena Zanders: Yeah.

Olivia: it like for not the right purposes. And,

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: and the other thing you said, which, you know, I always talk about, you have to, in order to receive, you have to give. It's like a

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: feedback loop.

Kaleena Zanders: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: It's, it's the best kind of feedback loop there is. Um, and so that's really important. So thank you for sharing, Kalina.